Day Retreat: Sustainable movement and play workshop and Yin Yoga workshop
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Day Retreat: Sustainable movement and play workshop and Yin Yoga workshop

Included in this day retreat is:

2&1/2 hour workshop with a focus on sustainable movement and play

2 course lunch provided by Naturally Nourished

2 hour Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra workshop

Sustainable movement & play workshop:

This workshop is all about how to create sustainability and strength in our bodies through a blend of movement science, yoga, and play.

Traditional yoga can put a lot of emphasis on stretching and certain movement patterns like forward bending, but after a while these repetitive movements and over stretching can cause injuries and imbalances in our bodies. We need to strengthen our muscles and joints just as much as we need to stretch them. We will work on joint mobility, functional movement, how to apply strength, stability and sustainability to your yoga practice and everyday life. For me it is important to bring an element of fun and play into our lives as much as possible and that is why throughout the workshop there will be some interactive games, play and partner work to help us reconnect to our inner child's and have some fun.

Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra workshop:

This workshop is the perfect balance to the dynamic morning workshop. Our morning practice is all about moving and connecting to ourselves and each other, whereas our afternoon workshop is all about finding stillness and connecting to our deeper selves. This is a slow, meditative practice where we hold various seated and lying down poses for a few minutes at a time. Our breath will be our main guidance through our practice. There is no right or wrong way to do this practice it is all about your experience at that time. We finish off this workshop with Yoga Nidra which is a guided relaxation where you will be lying down supported by props, blankets and eye pillows. You will be guided through stages of breath awareness, visualisation and bodily sensations. It is a simple, beautiful and deeply healing practice and one that will keep you coming back for more.

This day will take place in Ballintotis community hall in Ballintotis, Midleton, East Cork from 10am - 4pm. It is €65 for the day with €25 deposit to secure your place. Limited spaces available. To book text/call 0863241168 or Pm me.

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Day Retreat: Spine and Core workshop and Yin Yoga workshop
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Day Retreat: Spine and Core workshop and Yin Yoga workshop

Included in this day retreat is:

2&1/2 hr workshop with a focus on the spine and core

2 course lunch provided by Naturally Nourished

2hr Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra workshop

Spine & Core workshop:

The spine and the core go hand in hand with each other. Our spine is our structure and the core supports and protects this structure. During this workshop we will learn about all the movements of the spine and core, how to segment and control them more efficiently and how to build strength and stability. As with all my workshops we will begin with the basic foundations and build the stepping stones for us to be able to work towards more dynamic poses in a more safe and integrated way. It is important to me to bring a sense of community and fun into these days so expect some interactive play, partner work and hopefully lots of laughs.

Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra

This workshop is the perfect balance to the dynamic morning workshop. It is the yin to our yang. This truly is a magical practice. It is less about a physical challenge and far more about the mental challenge. This is a mindful practice mainly done with your eyes closed holding various seated and lying down poses for a few minutes at time with gentle music in the background. It is a practice that helps you to connect more deeply to your inner self, remove yourself from any external distractions and simple be present with your experience at that time. I will finish this workshop off with Yoga Nidra also known as yogic sleep. It is a deep guided meditation in which you will be guided through breath awareness, bodily sensations and visualisation. It is a beautiful and simple practice and the perfect way to close out the day.

This day will take place in Ballintotis community hall in Ballintotis East Cork which is about 5 minutes beyond Midleton from 10am to 4pm.

It is €65 for the day, €25 deposit to hold your spot. Limited spaces left. Text or call 0863241168 to book.

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One Day Retreat
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One Day Retreat

This yoga day retreat includes;

*2 &1/2 workshop with an Upper body strength & mobility focus
*2 course lunch
*2 hr Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra workshop

What to expect;

*The focused morning workshop will be all about the Upper body. We will work with everything from hips to head. Expect plenty of upper body mobility, strength, stability n movements flows. Learn how to adjust, adapt & modify poses and movements to suit your body and where you are at in YOUR practice. Take away simple but extremely beneficial exercises that can help increase your mobility, build strength and increase mind/body connection. Most important of them all learning how to use our breath efficiently through pranayama and diaphragm breathing techniques.

*The afternoon workshop is a yin yoga & yoga nidra workshop. Yin Yoga is the opposite to yang yoga(heating dynamic practice). It is a slow, quiet, cooling, seated practice. You hold various floor poses for a few minutes at a time. For most of the practice your eyes are closed drawing your senses deeper inside allowing this practice to become meditative and healing. Yin yoga helps to target the deep connective tissues, ligaments, tendons and fascia improving their health and building strength and flexible while also helping to get the chi/energy flowing more freely. This practice can look pretty easy to the naked eye but it challenges our mental strength and requires a mental adjustment that can be more challenging than the poses themselves.
We finish the day off with yoga nidra. Yoga nidra is a deep guided relaxation. Also known as yogic sleep it is a state of consciousness between being awake and asleep. You are guided into deep relaxation through your breathing, bodily sensations and visualisation. You will remain in a state of light withdrawal of the 5 senses with only your hearing connecting you to the instructions. This practice can support relieve stress, anxiety, tension, aid sleep and increase deep relaxation and awareness.

*Two course lunch provided by Naturally Nourished Cafe. Includes homemade soup n artisan breads, a salad of your choice or a warm dish, tea/coffee and a protein ball.

This day will take place in Ballintotis Community centre, Ballintotis, Midleton, East Cork on Saturday the 2nd of March from 10am to 4pm.
It is suitable to all yoga practitioners and/or movers/fitness goers.
The full day costs €60 with a €25 deposit required to hold your place.
I only have 8 spots remaining so book asap to guarantee your place.

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One Day Yoga Retreat: Building the foundations for inversions
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One Day Yoga Retreat: Building the foundations for inversions

One Day Yoga Retreat: Ballintotis, Midleton, East Cork

Building the foundations and confidence for inversions


Yin yoga & yoga nidra

When: Saturday the 3rd of November

Where: Ballintotis, East Cork (approx 4 min drive beyond Midleton)

What's included: 2&1/2 hour workshop focusing on inversions, 2hr yin yoga and yoga nidra workshop, 2 course lunch plus tea & coffee & treats

Who: This day is suited to people who already have a yoga practice and are looking to deeper their practice.

How much: €60 for first timers and €55 for returning retreaters. I have a limited amount of spaces for those of you who wish to only attend one workshop with the option of lunch. €25 deposit required to hold your place

To book: Contact me on 0863241168 to reserve your spot or for any further questions

Inversions workshop:

Turning yourself upside down can be quite scary for many people in a yoga class and for others it can be their favourite part of the class. It takes confidence, practice, patience, and the right foundations to learn how to practice inversions correctly and safely but with the right tools, support and encouragement you can achieve anything!

During this workshop that is exactly what we will do. We will work on building the right steps towards inversions such as Shoulderstand, Crow, Clown, Tri-pod headstands, Headstands and Handstands. Fear not if non of these are in your practice as this is what the workshop is all about. Here you will learn the steps needed to either bring you towards trying out your first inversion or taking it to the next stage either way you will gain knowledge and skills that you will hopefully be able to take home and practice. We will prepare the body through lots of mobility, strength & stability exercises, yoga poses and needless to say some added fun and surprises to spice things up. Inversions have so many benefits beside looking pretty cool! Inversions can build confidence, encourage you to face your fears, build strength, stimulate the immune and endocrine systems, can be lots of fun and can be very rewarding & uplifting. This workshop is suited to those of you who are looking to dive deeper into your yoga practice and are interested in learning how to flip your perspective and turn that frown upside down ;-))))


Lunch will be provided by the wonderful Naturally Nourished Cafe. It will include delicious homemade soup and Arbutus homemade breads, a salad of your choice or a warm dish (all dietary requirements catered for), tea & coffee & homemade chocolate protein balls.

Yin yoga & yoga nidra workshop:

The afternoon will be a 2 hr yin yoga workshop finished off with a guided yoga nidra. This is a seated practice that involves holding floor poses for a few minutes at a time. It is a passive deep, inward, meditative practice that focuses on balancing and harmonising the mind & body, stretches and strengthens the connective tissues around the joints, helps shift any stagnant energy and deepens and prepares the mind & body for seated meditation. It is a beautiful practice that draws our awareness inward creating space for us to really get to know what's going on inside without any external distractions! This style of yoga is the yin to your yang and nowadays we are mainly driven by the yang qualities in our daily lives, always pushing and striving for "better things" and everybody knows that too much of one thing isn't good for you so this will be the perfect way to bring that balance into your life!

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One Day Yoga Retreat (Spinal Mobility & Movement)
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One Day Yoga Retreat (Spinal Mobility & Movement)

Come join me on this day which will include 2 workshops and a 2 course delicious & healthy lunch provided by the one and only Naturally Nourished
The morning workshop will be a 2&1/2 hour dynamic vinyasa flow workshop with a focus on spinal mobility and movement. 
Have you ever heard the saying "you are only as young as your spine" well there is a lot of truth to it. Our spine is one of the most important parts of our body, its provides structure and support and without it we would not be able to stand up! The spine can move in many ways and during this time we will work on moving the spine through axial extension, flexion, extension, lateral flexion and axial rotation. Think of it as if you are ringing out your spine with the aim of creating space, lubricating and decompressing the spine and gaining more awareness/tools for better posture and support. 
We will break for lunch at 12.30 which will include homemade soup and Arbutus homemade breads, a salad or warm dish of your choice, finished off with tea/coffee and my favourite protein balls.
The afternoon will be a 2 hr yin yoga and restorative yoga fused workshop finished off with a guided yoga nidra. This is a seated practice that involves holding floor poses for a few minutes at a time. It is a passive deep, inward, meditative practice that focuses on balancing and harmonising the mind & body, stretches and strengthens the connective tissues around the joints and deepens and prepares the mind & body for seated meditation. It is a beautiful practice that draws our awareness inward creating space for us to really get to know whats going on inside without any external distractions! This practice is the yin to your yang and nowadays we are mainly driven by the yang qualities in our daily lives, always pushing and striving for "better things" and everybody knows that too much of one thing isn't good for you so this will be the perfect way to bring that balance into your life!

This day is suited to all levels of yoga practitioners. For first timers it is €60 for the day and €55 for returning retreaters. Pre booking is required with a €25 deposit to secure your place. Contact me here or on 0863241168 to book. These days tend to book up quickly so book asap to avoid disappointment.

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10:00 am10:00

One Day Yoga Retreat

Why not join me on a this day retreat which will be filled with lots of yoga and super yummy food and lots of like minded sound people!
Taking place in Ballintotis Community centre East Cork this day will include a focused 2&1/2 hr morning workshop, 2 course lunch provided by Naturally Nourished and a 2 hr afternoon workshop.
The morning workshop will be a dynamic flow with a focus on balance. The afternoon workshop will be a fusion of yin yoga and restorative yoga and finished off with yoga nidra.
More details will be provided in the coming days.
This day is suitable to beginners to advanced practitioners. It's €60 for the day with a €25 deposit to hold your place. I have a few places for anyone who may only want to attend one of the workshops with the option of lunch.
To book your place or find out more info contact me on 0863241168. Places always fill up quickly so book early to save disappointment.

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One Day Yoga Retreat
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One Day Yoga Retreat

Treat yourself to a day full of yoga, delicious food, relaxation, great company and countryside walks all just only 25 minute drive from Cork City.

This day will take place in Ballintotis, Midleton East Cork on Saturday the 19th of May from 10-4.30pm.

The morning will consist of a 2 & 1/2 hr “Recruit the Glutes” focus workshop. The focus for this workshop will be strengthening and conditioning the glutes (bum). Your glutes are the ‘primary mover’ for your hip and are one of the most important muscles in the body because of its size, position, and multiple layers and functions. It is so important that these large group of muscles activate properly in order to avoid pain or injury. If you experience back, hip and knee pain this can be an indicator that the glutes are underactive and lazy. Reconnection with the glutes will reap benefits in terms of pain relief throughout the spine and bring with it strength and stability around the spine, hips and pelvis. We will all have buns of steel by the end of the workshop ;-)

We will then break for a super delicious lunch provided by Naturally Nourished Cafe. This will be 2 course lunch including homemade soup with fresh breads and either a salad of you choice or a warm curry finished off with the nicest chocolate protein balls I have ever tasted and tea or coffee. All the food is locally sourced and freshly made.

We will be back on our mats at 2.15pm for a 2 hour yin yoga and yoga nidra workshop. Yin yoga is a deep, passive, meditative style of yoga which helps to calm the mind, open the body and create space for us to gain a deeper connection to our inner selves. In this practice you will guided through a variety of seated poses which will be held for a few minutes at a time which will help to increase flexibility, stretch and strengthen the deep connective tissues and fascia system and nourish the mind and body. We will then move into our final stage of the day and probably the main reason people come on the retreat; yoga nidra. Yoga nidra is a guided meditation / relaxation through sensations of the body while lying down which releases stress and tension. The practice draws our attention inwards, and we learn to surf between the states of wakefulness and sleep. Our body finds its natural state of equilibrium the breath slows down and becomes calm and balanced, unconscious and conscious aspects of the mind reveal themselves, and we fall into a deep state of blissful awareness. There is no right or wrong way to do yoga nidra the hardest part about it is trying to not fall asleep. It is both a simple and beautiful practice that will leave you feeling super relaxed and chilled.

This day is suited to anyone who already has an existing practice.
Full day costs €60 with a €25 deposit and if you have already done a day retreat with me then it is €55. I have limited spaces for people who may only want to do one of the workshops with or without lunch, contact me for price. To book contact me on 0863241168. These retreats tend to fill up quickly so be sure to book asap to save disappointment.
If anyone would like to purchase this as a gift I have gift vouchers available.

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10:00 am10:00

Sunday One Day Yoga Retreat

  • Ballintotis Community Hall, Farrantrenchard, County Cork Ireland (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This day is all about creating balance in the mind, body and spirit! It will take place in Ballintotis, Midleton East Cork on Sunday the 25th of February from 10-4.30pm.
The morning will be a 2 & 1/2 yang styled focus workshop where we will spend time breaking down different poses and areas to gain a better understanding of our bodies and learn how to practice more safely and with integrity.
We will then break for a super delicious lunch provided by the one and only Naturally Nourished This will be 2 course lunch including homemade soup with fresh breads and either a salad of you choice or a Thai curry finished off with the nicest chocolate protein balls I have ever tasted and tea or coffee. All the food is locally sourced and made fresh. There's a reason I always get the same people to do the food and that's cause it never disappoints.!!
We will be back on mats at about 2pm for a 2 hour yin yoga and yoga nidra workshop. In our yin practice ye will guided through a variety of seated poses which will be held for a few minutes at a time. This is a slow, passive, meditative style of yoga which helps to calm the mind, open the body (especially the hips) and create space for us to gain a deeper connection to our inner selves. We will then move into our final stage of the day and probably the main reason people come on the retreat, yoga nidra. Yoga nidra is a guided meditation / relaxation through sensations of the body while lying down. There is no right or wrong way with yoga nidra the hardest part about it is trying to not fall asleep. It is both a simple and beautiful practice that will leave you feeling content and relaxed, almost as if you're floating.
This day is suited to anyone looking to dive a little deeper into their practice and willing to challenge themselves.
Full day costs €60 with a €25 deposit and if you have already done a day retreat with me you will get it for €55. To book contact me on 0863241168. These retreats tend to fill up quickly so be sure to book asap to save disappointment. I have limited spaces available for anybody who would like to attend just one of the workshops with option of including lunch.
If anyone would like to purchase this as a gift I have gift vouchers available

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10:00 am10:00

One Day Yoga Retreat

  • Ballintotis Community Hall, Farrantrenchard County Cork Ireland (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This day is all about creating balance in the mind, body and spirit through a yang style dynamic morning workshop and a yin style afternoon workshop and delicious healthy food provided by the one and only Nourished Cafe.

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10:00 am10:00

'New Year, New You' One Day Yoga Retreat.

"New Year New You" yoga day retreat

No better way to start off 2018 than a yoga retreat. I will hosting this event in Ballintotis Community Hall, Midleton on Saturday the 27th of January from 10-4.30pm.
This day is all about creating balance in the mind, body and spirit through a yang style dynamic morning workshop and a yin style afternoon workshop and delicious healthy food provided by the one and only Nourished Cafe.
The morning will be a 2 & 1/2 focus workshop where we will spend time breaking down different poses and areas to gain a better understanding of our bodies and learn how to practice more safely and with integrity.
We will then break for lunch at about 12.30 for a 2 course lunch of homemade soup with fresh breads and either a salad of you choice or a Thai curry finished off with the nicest chocolate protein balls I have ever tasted and tea or coffee. All the food is locally sourced and made fresh by Nourished Cafe. There's a reason I always get the same people to do the food and that's cause it never disappoints.!!
We will be back on mats at about 2pm for a 2 hour yin yoga and yoga nidra workshop. In our yin practice ye will guided through a variety of seated poses which will be held for a few minutes at a time. This is a slow, passive, meditative style of yoga which helps to calm the mind, open the body (especially the hips) and create space for us to gain a deeper connection to our inner selves. We will then move into our final stage of the day and probably the main reason people come on the retreat, yoga nidra. Yoga nidra is a guided meditation / relaxation through sensations of the body while lying down. There is no right or wrong way with yoga nidra the hardest part about it is trying to not fall asleep. It is both a simple and beautiful practice that will leave you feeling content and relaxed, almost as if you're floating.
Full day costs €60 with a €25 deposit and if you have already done a day retreat with me you will get it for €55. To book contact me on 0863241168. This day only has a limited number of spaces left so book asap to guarantee your place.
If anyone would like to purchase this as a gift I have gift vouchers available.

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10:00 am10:00

'New Year, New You' One Day Yoga Retreat

"New Year New You" yoga day retreat

No better way to start off 2018 than a yoga retreat. I will hosting this event in Ballintotis Community Hall, Midleton on Saturday the 20th of January.
This day is all about creating balance in the mind, body and spirit through a yang style dynamic morning workshop and a yin style afternoon workshop and delicious healthy food provided by the one and only Nourished Cafe.
The morning will be a 2 & 1/2 focus workshop where we will spend time breaking down different poses and areas to gain a better understanding of our bodies and learn how to practice more safely and with integrity.
We will then break for lunch at about 12.30 for a 2 course lunch of homemade soup with fresh breads and either a salad of you choice or a Thai curry finished off with the nicest chocolate protein balls I have ever tasted and tea or coffee. All the food is made fresh by Nourished Cafe. There's a reason I always get the same people to do the food and that's cause it never disappoints.!!
We will be back on mats at about 2pm for a 2 hour yin yoga and yoga nidra workshop. In our yin practice ye will guided through a variety of seated poses which will be held for a few minutes at a time. This is a slow, passive, meditative style of yoga which helps to calm the mind, open the body (especially the hips) and create space for us to gain a deeper connection to ourselves. We will then move into our final stage of the day and probably the main reason people come on the retreat, yoga nidra. Yoga nidra is a guided meditation / relaxation through sensations of the body while lying down. There is no right or wrong way with yoga nidra the hardest part about it is trying to not fall asleep. It is both a simple and beautiful practice that will leave you feeling content and relaxed, almost as if you're floating. The only way to understand something is to experience and believe you will definitely want to experience this.
Full day costs €60 with a €25 deposit and if you have already done a day retreat with me you will get it for €55. To book contact me on 0863241168. This day is fully booked with a waitlist.

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10:00 am10:00

Winter Detox and Destress Yoga Day Retreat

Gets yourselves geared up for the winter on this Detox and Destress yoga day retreat. This day will take place in Ballintotis Community hall, Ballintotis Midleton, Cork on Saturday the 26th November from 10am-4.45pm.
We will begin our morning with a 2&1/2 Detox flow ashtanga/vinyasa style yoga class.
Lunch with be provided by the healthy and delicious Nourished Cafe which will include homemade soup n breads, a salad of your choice or a warm dish, a chocolate protein ball and tea and coffee.
In the afternoon we have a 2hour workshop that will be a yin and restorative yoga fused class finished off with yoga nidra.
This retreat is suited to people who already ready have a yoga practice. It's is €60 for the day with a €25 deposit to secure your place.
Places are already filling up already so book in advance to guarantee your place. Contact me on 0863241168.

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One Day Yoga Retreat

Back for another wonderful day retreat in Ballintotis, Midleton, East Cork on Saturday the 14th October from 10am to 5pm.
This day will take place in Ballintotis Community Hall which is about a 25 minute drive from Cork city.
Included in this day is a morning 2&1/2 hour focus workshop, 2 course lunch provided by Nourished Cafe and the afternoon will be a 2hr yin yoga workshop finished off with yoga nidra (deep relaxation).
This day is suited to all levels of yoga practitioners. It is €60 for the full day with a €25 deposit to secure your spot.

*Focus Workshop: Yoga workshops work differently from your standard yoga classes. Workshops allow the teacher to focus on certain areas and break them down for the students so that they can gain a better understanding of their own bodies and connect more deeply to their practice. When flowing through a regular class a lot the time the teacher doesn't have time to stop the class and explain things in more dept and during a workshop this is the perfect opportunity to do that. On the day I will explain in detail what areas we will be concentrating on.

*Yin Yoga: This style of yoga is a passive, slow, deep meditative practice. It is static stretching where you hold various floor poses for longer periods of time(3-5mis). By doing this you help to put necessary stress on the connective tissues, ligaments and tendons and fascia, improving the circulation in the joints, increasing your flexibility, relieves stress and anxiety from the mind and body by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system and overall leaves you feeling more grounded and revitalised.

*Yoga Nidra - Yoga Nidra is basically deep relaxation or as I like to call it easy lying down meditation. It is the state between being awake and asleep. During this practice you will be lying down and guided by my voice through a journey of sensations and feelings in the body which will help to induce total physical, mental and emotional relaxation. If you have never tried this before then you need to. It truly is a peaceful, calming, self connecting, easy and highly beneficial practice that I absolutely love and can't wait to share with ye.

Lunch: Lunch will be prepared by the super delicious and healthy Nourished cafe {click to view Facebook page) which will include homemade soup and Arbutus homemade fresh breads to start, a pre-ordered salad of your choice and some yummy protein balls and tea and coffee to finish it off. After lunch there will be plenty of time to go for a walk and chill out before starting back again.

Contact me on 0863241168 to book your place

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10:00 am10:00

One Day Yoga Retreat Saturday the 29th July

Come join me on Saturday the 29th of July for a full day of yoga and delicious food. This day will take place in Ballintotis Community hall, Ballintotis, Midleton, East Cork which is about 25/30mins from the city centre and if you don't drive no need to worry as some people will be car pooling.

The day will start off at 10am with a 2&½ hr *focus workshop followed by lunch provided by *Nourished Cafe and the afternoon will be a 2hr *yin yoga workshop ending with *yoga nidra which will have us up finishing up at about 16.45pm.

Lunch will be prepared by the super delicious and healthy Nourished cafe {click to view Facebook page) which will include homemade soup and Arbutus homemade fresh breads to start, a pre-ordered salad of your choice and some yummy protein balls and tea and coffee to finish it off. After lunch there will be plenty of time to go for a walk and chill out.

*Focus Workshop -  This is where I choose a main area to focus on and will break down the various movements and poses so that we can have deeper connection and understanding of this particular area within our practices, our bodies and our minds. More details to follow

*Yin Yoga - Yin Yoga is based on the Chinese Taoist concepts of yin and yang, opposite and complimentary principals in Nature. In terms of your yoga practice Yang yoga is the more active, strength and heat building style where as yin is a passive, slow, deep style of yoga. It is static stretching where you hold floor poses for longer periods of time. By doing this you help to put necessary stress on the connective tissues, ligaments and tendons and fascia, improving the circulation in the joints, increasing your flexibility, relieves stress and anxiety from the mind and body by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system and overall leaves you feeling more grounded and revitalised.

*Yoga Nidra - Yoga Nidra is basically deep relaxation or as I like to call it easy lying down meditation. It is the state between being awake and asleep. During this practice you will be lying down and guided by my voice through a journey of sensations and feelings in the body which will help to induce total physical, mental and emotional relaxation. If you have never tried this before then you need to. It truly is a peaceful, calming, self connecting, easy and highly beneficial practice that I absolutely love and can't wait to share with ye.

This Yoga Day is suited to all levels but I would recommend that you have done a couple of classes in the past as the morning workshop will be more active. The full day is €60 with a €20 deposit needed to secure your place. I have a few limited spaces for those of you who can only make one of the workshops just contact me to enquirer.

To book text or call me on 0863241168.

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One day Retreat Saturday the 20th May and/or Sunday the 21st of May
to 21 May

One day Retreat Saturday the 20th May and/or Sunday the 21st of May

I will be holding two separate Day yoga retreats in Ballintotis, Midleton, East Cork (about 25/30mins from the city centre) on Saturday the 20th and Sunday the 21st of May. Here you will have the option of booking in for either day or book both days at a discounted rate.

Saturdays retreat will consist of a 2&½ hr *focus workshop in the morning, lunch provided by the delicious and healthy Nourished Cafe and a 2hr *yin yoga workshop in the afternoon. This day is suited to those who already have a yoga practice.

Sundays retreat will have a more gentle focus with a 2&½ hr gentle flow morning workshop, lunch supplied by the delicious and healthy Nourished cafe and *Restorative Yoga Class finished with *Yoga Nidra (deep relaxation) in the afternoon. This day is suited to absolutely anybody no yoga experience needed.

Both days will begin at 10am and finish at 5pm. Lunch will be prepared by the super healthy Nourished cafe which will include soup and breads to start, a pre ordered salad of your choice and some yummy chocolate protein balls and tea and coffee to finish it off. After lunch you have some free time to go for a walk (there are some lovely short walks around this area) or just chill its up to you on the day.

*Focus Class - The focus of this workshop is 'working with your foundations'. Starting each pose with correct foundations is essential in your practice, if your foundations aren't correct then you can throw out the alignment of the rest of the body. We will spend some time working with the feet and hands before we move into a flow where we will break down the postures and work with each pose from ground up. I will also allocate some time at the end of this workshop for people to ask me any related yoga questions they have and I will answer them to the best of my ability.

*Yin Yoga - Yin Yoga is based on the Chinese Taoist concepts of yin and yang, opposite and complimentary principals in Nature. In terms of your yoga practice Yang yoga is the more active, strength and heat building style where as yin is a passive, slow, deep style of yoga. It is static stretching where you hold floor poses for longer periods of time. By doing this you help to put necessary stress on the connective tissues, ligaments and tendons and fascia, improving the circulation in the joints, increasing your flexibility, relieves stress and anxiety from the mind and body by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system and overall leaves you feeling more grounded and revitalised.

*Restorative Yoga - This is a very gentle practice, During this class you will hold various floor poses for a few minutes at a time with the support of your props. The aim of this class is to fully relax and allow the props to support you in each pose. This practice is excellent for relieving stress and anxiety, it encourages you to stay connected to both the body and the breath which allows this practice to become a meditative one. 

*Yoga nidra. This is deep relaxation also known as 'Yogic sleep' , the state between being conscious and asleep. The aim of this practice is to fully relax while still remaining conscious.

One Day is €60 or book both days and get it for €105. Contact me on 0863241168 to reserve your spot (€20deposit required).

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10:00 am10:00

One Day Yoga retreat with Lunch in 5*Castlemartyr Resort

This event will take place on Saturday the 11th of March in Ballintotis Community Hall, Ballintotis, Midleton, East Cork (about a 25min drive from the city). We will start our day at 10am with a 2 & 1/4 hour workshop. This workshop will be Ashtanga/Vinyasa. The class will be for 1hr and 30mins and for the last 45mins I will give time for students to ask any questions they may have relating to yoga and their practice. This is a great way to develop your practice and allows you time to ask those question you may not always get to ask your teacher after class.

We will then head to Castlemartyr 5 star Resort where will have a 2 course meal. Once lunch is finished we will have some time to relax. We will head back to Ballintotis for 3pm where will have a 2 hour workshop which will be a led meditation and yin yoga.

Yin Yoga is deep passive static stretching. All the poses are held from 3 to 5 minutes and are mainly seated and lying down poses. Holding the poses for this amount of time helps to put necessary stress on the connective tissues, ligaments and tendons and the fascia. Putting this kinda of stress on the joints helps to increase mobility and flexibility, improves the circulation in the joints, regulates energy in the body and relieves physical and emotional tension.

After our workshop I will have some yummy raw treats for everyone to enjoy.

The Early Bird rate is €70 and must be paid in full and before the 25th of February. Alternatively it cost €80 with a €25 deposit needed to secure your place and the remainder can be paid on the day.

If you have any other quieries or to book your spot contact me on 0863241168







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10:00 am10:00

One Day Yoga Retreat with lunch in the 5 star Castlemartyr Resort. Fully Booked

This event will take place on Saturday the 4th of February in Ballintotis Community Hall, Ballintotis, Midleton, East Cork (about a 25min drive from the city). We will start our day at 10am with a 2 & 1/4 hour workshop. This workshop will be Ashtanga/Vinyasa. The class will be for 1hr and 30mins and for the last 45mins I will give time for students to ask any questions they may have relating to yoga and their practice. This is a great way to develop your practice and allows you time to ask those question you may not always get to ask your teacher after class.

We will then head to Castlemartyr 5 star Resort where will have a 2 course meal. Once lunch is finished we will have some time to relax. We will head back to Ballintotis for 3pm where will have a 2 hour workshop which will be a led meditation and yin yoga.

Yin Yoga is deep passive static stretching. All the poses are held from 3 to 5 minutes and are mainly seated and lying down poses. Holding the poses for this amount of time helps to put necessary stress on the connective tissues, ligaments and tendons and the fascia. Putting this kinda of stress on the joints helps to increase mobility and flexibility, improves the circulation in the joints, regulates energy in the body and relieves physical and emotional tension.

After our workshop I will have some yummy raw treats for everyone to enjoy.

This day retreat will cost €80 including your lunch. To secure your place I will need a €25 deposit. Early bird rate €70. Must be paid in full by the 28th of January.

If you have any other quieries or to book your spot contact me on 0863241168

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to 20 Nov

All Inclusive Winter Yoga Retreat

Barnabrow House is country house located in the lovely East Cork. It has been beautifully restored and developed over the past 20 years. Bar na Brugha translates from the Gaelic as ‘top of the fairy fort’. There is a touch of magic about the place and time here moves at a gentler pace. It is the perfect place to sit back, relax and be surrounded by nature.

Barnabrow House is family run business and all the food is prepared and cooked by Michelin Star trained Chef Stuart Bowes.

Your retreat will begin at 5.30 at Barnabrow House, Cloyne, East Cork. Once everyone has checked in and settled down we will have our first yoga class in the beautiful bright and spacious conservatory. We will then have a 3 course dinner prepared by the very talented Chef Bowes. After a bit of chill out time we will then have a pre-bedtime yoga nidra (deep relaxation) class.

The following morning we will get up bright and early for Pranayama (breathing exercises), meditation and yoga. Breakfast will then be served. The rest of the morning is yours to do whatever you like. After we have had lunch we will have a late afternoon focus yoga class. In the evening we will then have our dinner and later that night we will go back for restorative/yin yoga (deep passive stretching). On the Sunday we will have a bit of lie in and then get up for Pranayama, Meditation and yoga. After breakfast depending on the weather we will go for a short contemplative walk. Will have one more class before lunch. The retreat will finish after our lunch.


This weekend is about going at your own pace and doing whatever it is that YOU want to do.

This retreat is open to all levels and all the food served will be vegetarian and any special dietary requirements can be catered for.



For a double room with two people sharing it will be €300.  

For a private room (one person) it is a €15 supplement per night €330.

This price includes your accommodation, all your meals including 3 course dinners on both evenings and all of your yoga and meditation classes.

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to 2 Oct

All inclusive Yoga and stand up paddle boarding retreat Sherkin Island West Cork. FULLY BOOKED with waiting list

Sherkin Island is a gorgeous island that lies southwest of county Cork. It has a population of 100 people and it is 5k long and 3k wide. The island has a primary school, two pubs, B&B, community centre and a church. There are a variety of walks to the islands five sandy beaches.

While retreating on the island ye will stay and practice at the lovely Sherkin North Shore Accommodation. There are 6 rooms that each have a set bunk beds; a double and single on top or there is a dorm that has 7 sets of bunk beds. For alterations in prices see below. Our yoga classes will be held at the North Shore accommodation and if the weather is nice we will take them outside overlooking the bay the Roaring Water Bay.

Weekend lowdown:

The plan is to get the 17.30 ferry from Baltimore. When we arrive on the island there will be a mini bus to take us to our Accommodation. Once we have checked in we will go do an evening yoga class. After our class we will have our dinner and the rest of the evening is to relax and rewind.

We will start the Saturday morning off with pranayama (breathing exercises) and a guided meditation followed by a yoga class. After our breakfast we will take a leisurely walk to the ferry over to Baltimore where we will go to the beautiful Lough Hyne lake and have a go at Stand Up Paddle boarding (SUP) and maybe even some yoga on the boards too! All the equipment and wetsuits will be provided and there will be qualified instructors with us for the duration of our time spent at Lough Hyne. Once we our finished we will head back into Baltimore where we will reserve a place in one of their many famous restaurants for lunch. We will then head back to Sherkin island where will have a focus (ie hip openers) afternoon class. We will have our dinner at North Shore and once the sun goes down we will have a restorative yoga class finished with Yoga nidra (deep relaxation).

Sunday morning we will get up bright and early starting pranayama and meditation and then take a contemplative walk around the island to see some of the stunning scenery. Once breakfast has settled will do a yoga class and then finish our weekend off with lunch.

This retreat is open to all levels. All the food served at North Shore will be vegetarian and any special dietary requirements can be catered for.


Price and what is included:

€280 - double room 2 people per room

€270 - shared room

Accommodation, all meals except for lunch on the Saturday, return ferry for both trips to Baltimore, yoga and meditation classes and Stand Up Paddle boarding (optional).

€50 deposit is required to secure your place.

Contact me here or on 0863241168 for more information. For updates on the retreats like my facebook page MaryKellyYoga or follow me on instagram @marykellyyoga

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