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One Day Yoga Retreat Saturday the 29th July

Come join me on Saturday the 29th of July for a full day of yoga and delicious food. This day will take place in Ballintotis Community hall, Ballintotis, Midleton, East Cork which is about 25/30mins from the city centre and if you don't drive no need to worry as some people will be car pooling.

The day will start off at 10am with a 2&½ hr *focus workshop followed by lunch provided by *Nourished Cafe and the afternoon will be a 2hr *yin yoga workshop ending with *yoga nidra which will have us up finishing up at about 16.45pm.

Lunch will be prepared by the super delicious and healthy Nourished cafe {click to view Facebook page) which will include homemade soup and Arbutus homemade fresh breads to start, a pre-ordered salad of your choice and some yummy protein balls and tea and coffee to finish it off. After lunch there will be plenty of time to go for a walk and chill out.

*Focus Workshop -  This is where I choose a main area to focus on and will break down the various movements and poses so that we can have deeper connection and understanding of this particular area within our practices, our bodies and our minds. More details to follow

*Yin Yoga - Yin Yoga is based on the Chinese Taoist concepts of yin and yang, opposite and complimentary principals in Nature. In terms of your yoga practice Yang yoga is the more active, strength and heat building style where as yin is a passive, slow, deep style of yoga. It is static stretching where you hold floor poses for longer periods of time. By doing this you help to put necessary stress on the connective tissues, ligaments and tendons and fascia, improving the circulation in the joints, increasing your flexibility, relieves stress and anxiety from the mind and body by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system and overall leaves you feeling more grounded and revitalised.

*Yoga Nidra - Yoga Nidra is basically deep relaxation or as I like to call it easy lying down meditation. It is the state between being awake and asleep. During this practice you will be lying down and guided by my voice through a journey of sensations and feelings in the body which will help to induce total physical, mental and emotional relaxation. If you have never tried this before then you need to. It truly is a peaceful, calming, self connecting, easy and highly beneficial practice that I absolutely love and can't wait to share with ye.

This Yoga Day is suited to all levels but I would recommend that you have done a couple of classes in the past as the morning workshop will be more active. The full day is €60 with a €20 deposit needed to secure your place. I have a few limited spaces for those of you who can only make one of the workshops just contact me to enquirer.

To book text or call me on 0863241168.