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One day Retreat Saturday the 20th May and/or Sunday the 21st of May

I will be holding two separate Day yoga retreats in Ballintotis, Midleton, East Cork (about 25/30mins from the city centre) on Saturday the 20th and Sunday the 21st of May. Here you will have the option of booking in for either day or book both days at a discounted rate.

Saturdays retreat will consist of a 2&½ hr *focus workshop in the morning, lunch provided by the delicious and healthy Nourished Cafe and a 2hr *yin yoga workshop in the afternoon. This day is suited to those who already have a yoga practice.

Sundays retreat will have a more gentle focus with a 2&½ hr gentle flow morning workshop, lunch supplied by the delicious and healthy Nourished cafe and *Restorative Yoga Class finished with *Yoga Nidra (deep relaxation) in the afternoon. This day is suited to absolutely anybody no yoga experience needed.

Both days will begin at 10am and finish at 5pm. Lunch will be prepared by the super healthy Nourished cafe which will include soup and breads to start, a pre ordered salad of your choice and some yummy chocolate protein balls and tea and coffee to finish it off. After lunch you have some free time to go for a walk (there are some lovely short walks around this area) or just chill its up to you on the day.

*Focus Class - The focus of this workshop is 'working with your foundations'. Starting each pose with correct foundations is essential in your practice, if your foundations aren't correct then you can throw out the alignment of the rest of the body. We will spend some time working with the feet and hands before we move into a flow where we will break down the postures and work with each pose from ground up. I will also allocate some time at the end of this workshop for people to ask me any related yoga questions they have and I will answer them to the best of my ability.

*Yin Yoga - Yin Yoga is based on the Chinese Taoist concepts of yin and yang, opposite and complimentary principals in Nature. In terms of your yoga practice Yang yoga is the more active, strength and heat building style where as yin is a passive, slow, deep style of yoga. It is static stretching where you hold floor poses for longer periods of time. By doing this you help to put necessary stress on the connective tissues, ligaments and tendons and fascia, improving the circulation in the joints, increasing your flexibility, relieves stress and anxiety from the mind and body by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system and overall leaves you feeling more grounded and revitalised.

*Restorative Yoga - This is a very gentle practice, During this class you will hold various floor poses for a few minutes at a time with the support of your props. The aim of this class is to fully relax and allow the props to support you in each pose. This practice is excellent for relieving stress and anxiety, it encourages you to stay connected to both the body and the breath which allows this practice to become a meditative one. 

*Yoga nidra. This is deep relaxation also known as 'Yogic sleep' , the state between being conscious and asleep. The aim of this practice is to fully relax while still remaining conscious.

One Day is €60 or book both days and get it for €105. Contact me on 0863241168 to reserve your spot (€20deposit required).