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Day Retreat: Sustainable movement and play workshop and Yin Yoga workshop

Included in this day retreat is:

2&1/2 hour workshop with a focus on sustainable movement and play

2 course lunch provided by Naturally Nourished

2 hour Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra workshop

Sustainable movement & play workshop:

This workshop is all about how to create sustainability and strength in our bodies through a blend of movement science, yoga, and play.

Traditional yoga can put a lot of emphasis on stretching and certain movement patterns like forward bending, but after a while these repetitive movements and over stretching can cause injuries and imbalances in our bodies. We need to strengthen our muscles and joints just as much as we need to stretch them. We will work on joint mobility, functional movement, how to apply strength, stability and sustainability to your yoga practice and everyday life. For me it is important to bring an element of fun and play into our lives as much as possible and that is why throughout the workshop there will be some interactive games, play and partner work to help us reconnect to our inner child's and have some fun.

Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra workshop:

This workshop is the perfect balance to the dynamic morning workshop. Our morning practice is all about moving and connecting to ourselves and each other, whereas our afternoon workshop is all about finding stillness and connecting to our deeper selves. This is a slow, meditative practice where we hold various seated and lying down poses for a few minutes at a time. Our breath will be our main guidance through our practice. There is no right or wrong way to do this practice it is all about your experience at that time. We finish off this workshop with Yoga Nidra which is a guided relaxation where you will be lying down supported by props, blankets and eye pillows. You will be guided through stages of breath awareness, visualisation and bodily sensations. It is a simple, beautiful and deeply healing practice and one that will keep you coming back for more.

This day will take place in Ballintotis community hall in Ballintotis, Midleton, East Cork from 10am - 4pm. It is €65 for the day with €25 deposit to secure your place. Limited spaces available. To book text/call 0863241168 or Pm me.