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One Day Yoga Retreat (Spinal Mobility & Movement)

Come join me on this day which will include 2 workshops and a 2 course delicious & healthy lunch provided by the one and only Naturally Nourished
The morning workshop will be a 2&1/2 hour dynamic vinyasa flow workshop with a focus on spinal mobility and movement. 
Have you ever heard the saying "you are only as young as your spine" well there is a lot of truth to it. Our spine is one of the most important parts of our body, its provides structure and support and without it we would not be able to stand up! The spine can move in many ways and during this time we will work on moving the spine through axial extension, flexion, extension, lateral flexion and axial rotation. Think of it as if you are ringing out your spine with the aim of creating space, lubricating and decompressing the spine and gaining more awareness/tools for better posture and support. 
We will break for lunch at 12.30 which will include homemade soup and Arbutus homemade breads, a salad or warm dish of your choice, finished off with tea/coffee and my favourite protein balls.
The afternoon will be a 2 hr yin yoga and restorative yoga fused workshop finished off with a guided yoga nidra. This is a seated practice that involves holding floor poses for a few minutes at a time. It is a passive deep, inward, meditative practice that focuses on balancing and harmonising the mind & body, stretches and strengthens the connective tissues around the joints and deepens and prepares the mind & body for seated meditation. It is a beautiful practice that draws our awareness inward creating space for us to really get to know whats going on inside without any external distractions! This practice is the yin to your yang and nowadays we are mainly driven by the yang qualities in our daily lives, always pushing and striving for "better things" and everybody knows that too much of one thing isn't good for you so this will be the perfect way to bring that balance into your life!

This day is suited to all levels of yoga practitioners. For first timers it is €60 for the day and €55 for returning retreaters. Pre booking is required with a €25 deposit to secure your place. Contact me here or on 0863241168 to book. These days tend to book up quickly so book asap to avoid disappointment.